Live Feed From the International Sace Station

A UFO was spotted near the International Space Station during a live feed, sparking a new wave of alien conspiracy theories.

The unusual white, cylinder-shaped device was seen on the same day as "high-speed" objects were caught hovering near NASA's International Space Station.

A screengrab of two unidentified objects shooting past the International Space Station


A screengrab of two unidentified objects shooting past the International Space Station Credit: YouTube

An unusual white, cylinder-like object without wings was spotted in North Carolina


An unusual white, cylinder-like object without wings was spotted in North Carolina Credit: YouTube

YouTube user MrMBB333 uploaded the two sightings in a clip titled "Ok, something is CLEARLY roaming the skies of this planet!", which showed the incidents occurring side-by-side.

Relying on a clip from a user called Mary Hall, the UFO-toting commentator points to "high-speed objects moving through the field of view from the International Space Station" during the daytime and nighttime.

Discussing the multiple flashing lights on the recording, he said they "almost appear to be white".

He then said on the same day two people called Lori Anne and Jessica in Greenboro, North Carolina in the US sent "several great photos" of something moving in the daytime sky.

He added: "She said the back of this thing looked like some sort of large propeller, like something you would see on a submarine, some kind of propulsion system is how she described it."

"It was not an aeroplane, it was some sort of very unusual-looking cylinder in the sky that did not have wings... it was not an aeroplane, very emphatic about that".

The commentator claimed the wingless cylinder was moving through the sky in broad daylight and could be the same object spotted in the International Space Station recording.

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"I'm wondering if maybe that's the same thing that was spotted from the International Space Station," he said.

"I don't know, I don't necessarily believe in coincidences, but something unusual was spotted in the sky."

Fellow watchers backed up his claims, telling of their own experiences seeing strange objects.

One person said: "I have seen this same looking cigar-shaped UFO several times in an 18-month period between 2011 and 2012 in central Alabama."

Another said: "I'm in Tallahassee, Florida and we have ALSO been witness to weird strobe light flashes that seem to be so fast that a few times, I wasn't sure if I ever really saw it at all.

"This video is the 1st I've seen mentioning it. Glad to know I am not delusional but still perplexed."

Others were quick to shoot down the theory it was UFOs by saying the flashing lights were instead a "soundless lighting storm" and that the object may have been a secret "guided missile".

One comment read: "I lived in Iowa and we used to get those sky flashes a lot in summer, they would go on for hours. They called it Sheet Lighting, no sound at all."

According to the Royal Meteorological Society, Sheet Lightning is when clouds are illuminated by a "lightning discharge" when the actual lighting channel occurs inside clouds or just below the horizon, making it invisible to the observer.


It comes more than three months after the Pentagon shared a bombshell report that didn't rule out aliens existing.

The long-awaited report was released in June and detailed what the government knows about a series of mysterious flying objects that had been observed in military airspaces over the last several decades.

The report, released on the website of the Office of the Director for National Intelligence, examined 144 reports of encounters with what the government deemed "unidentified aerial phenomenon."

Only one of those encounters could be explained by investigators by the end of the study. That case was put down to "airborne clutter."

Investigators also found no evidence to suggest the sightings represented either extraterrestrial life or a major technological advancement by a foreign foe, such as China or Russia.

"Of the 144 reports we are dealing with here, we have no clear indications that there is any non-terrestrial explanation for them — but we will go wherever the data takes us," a senior US official said.

"We don't have any clear indications that any of these unidentified aerial phenomena are part of a foreign [intelligence] collection program, and we don't have any clear data that is indicative of a major technological advancement by a potential adversary.

"We continue to put a lot of effort and energy into tracking those types of developments, and we watch that very carefully. Nothing in this data set clearly points us in that direction," the official continued.

The newly released report said the unexplained aerial sightings could be secret aircraft from China or Russia — or a "non-government" terror group.

Investigators were, however, convinced that the majority of the "unidentified aerial phenomenon" were physical objects, the official said.

UFO watchers claim this is proof aliens exist


UFO watchers claim this is proof aliens exist Credit: YouTube

A bombshell report on UFOs was released by the Pentagon in June


A bombshell report on UFOs was released by the Pentagon in June Credit: Getty Images - Getty

An image from the Department of Defense labelled Gimbal, from 2015, of an unexplained object


An image from the Department of Defense labelled Gimbal, from 2015, of an unexplained object Credit: Caters News Agency

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